Truth - Reconciliation - Story
CI 250: Truth - Reconciliation - Story puts the truth and reconciliation processes of Canada, South Africa, and other countries into an international and comparative perspective. This is part of our our new Cultural Identities program at the University. The special focus of CI 250 is to explore how fictional narratives portray massive human rights abuses like genocide.
World Cinema and Visual Culture
Using films from around the world, students in VCULT 100 / FINE 102 learn about film analysis and interpretation while becoming more familiar with cinema’s ability to tell stories both local and universal in scope.
Online Courses in German Culture
These online courses in German studies provide a learning environment with multiple opportunities for students to engage with unfamiliar ideas, to engage with their peers to explore these ideas, and to engage with themselves and their ability to communicate their own ideas. I teach three online courses focusing on German culture: GER 271 German Thought and Culture - Objects; GER 272 German Thought and Culture - People; and GER 383 Third Reich Culture - Racism, Resistance, Remembering.
Graduate Seminar in Online Teaching and Learning
We’re all online teachers now. To help graduate students learn how to be effective online instructors who put student learning front and centre, I’ve designed this course about online teaching and learning. Students will grapple with the big issues and debates surrounding online teaching while working on a term-length project to create and design an online course in their own discipline or field.
Teaching during a Pandemic
This isn’t a course so much as a collection of pages that can help anyone teach an online course. For many instructors, online teaching was unknown, uncharted territory before the Great Pivot caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. So I put together this site to provide some concrete information and examples about how almost any instructor can create a simple yet effective online course using only a computer and a university’s learning management system.